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Carbon Reduction Plan

Spentex BCA Limited (Spentex) is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions at the latest by 2050.
Reducing our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions brings significant benefits for us, our customers, suppliers, and the wider community.

This Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) will cover Spentex’s baseline year information (2023), setting clear targets for reducing GHG emissions over key timeframes and planned actions to achieve Carbon Net Zero by 2050 at the latest. These will align with our aim which is to ensure the highest levels of engagement with this Carbon Reduction Plan across Spentex.

Some of these targets will be achieved through behavioural change, others will require funding in some cases, such as building and office improvements.
As a largely administration-based wholesale supplier business, with no permanent vehicle fleet, and one office/warehouse, Spentex already has a relatively small carbon footprint. These planned actions will reduce our levels of carbon production to Net Zero by 2050 at the latest.
Meeting the reporting requirements
This Carbon Reduction Plan complies with PPN 06/21 as published by the Cabinet Office in June 2021.
Commitment to achieving Net Zero
Spentex is committed to achieving Net Zero GHG emissions by 2050. We recognise the urgent need to rapidly decarbonise UK industry.
Carbon footprint methodology
The Spentex carbon footprint methodology is based on the assumptions of our operational model being largely administration-based and that we do not move premises or expand disproportionately.
Spentex is primarily a privately owned limited company supplying the UK Public Sector (mainly NHS), assisting our customers with procurement across different hospital departments, and as such we do not own a fleet of vehicles, or any land to use or develop on. We do use DPD as our carrier who have a zero emission agenda As such, as will be seen, we have a small overall carbon footprint, but one nonetheless that we will be able to reduce through action.

Baseline Carbon Emissions – Jan ‘22 – Dec ’22
Baseline year: FY 1st Jan 2022 – 31st Dec 2022

Scope 1
The Spentex Scope 1 data consists of gas usage

Office/ Warehouse location Kgs of CO2e Occupancy
Sherburn in Elmet 2328 4 people
For clarity, we do not own or operate a Fleet so there is no data to report in Scope 1.

Scope 2
The Spentex Scope 2 data consists of electricity purchased for use in the Office/Warehouse only
Office location Kgs of CO2e Occupancy
Sherburn in Elmet 1305 4 people

Scope 3
Our Scope 3 footprint is dominated by emissions resulting from our use of carriers to deliver our goods. We will interrogate our data from our categories listed in the table to better understand if and where carbon reductions can be made.

Category Kgs of CO2e
Waste disposal (Selby Council Scheme) 643
Source “The emissions from your company’s waste likely account for about 15% of its carbon footprint—that’s significant any way you look at it. According to the EPA”

Water Use 12.19 Consumption 12.19 M³per annum

Total Scopes 1,2 and 3 4288.19

Current reporting year: FY 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023

For the current reporting year (FY 2022/23), Scopes 1, 2 and 3 will be the same as the baseline year reporting.

The Scope 1,2,3 data from this Carbon Reduction Plan has been submitted to our website

Emission Reduction Targets

In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets.

Next 5 years to 2028: Target of 20% Carbon reduction to 3430 CO2e
Period to 2035: Target of 30% Carbon reduction to 2401CO2e
Period to 2050: Target of 100% Carbon reduction to Net Zero

These are ambitious targets, with a steep initial reduction, but this ambition is deliberate as we recognise the urgency associated with the need to reduce carbon outputs. A lot of the proposed measures in the Projects & Initiatives section can be introduced or invested in by the first milestone of 2028.

Carbon Reduction Projects
Double glazed windows
Dual flush toilets
Solar Energy
Increase use of digital storage media to reduce paper usage.
The carbon reduction opportunities in this section, once fully implemented, will reduce Spentex GHG emissions each year in line with achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.
The projects listed below relate to the following graph which charts Spentex’s carbon reduction projects at three key milestone dates, 2028 (5 years ahead), 2035 (12 years ahead) and 2040 (our stretch target Net Zero date, 17 years ahead).
In order to achieve Net Zero, Spentex will be required to reduce across its Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Scope 1 (Gas) Actions
* normalise Usage: bring premises gas usage down to London and Birmingham levels of approx. The gas boiler was installed in 2020 and is regularly serviced to maintain efficiency.
* Thermostat has been reduced to legal requirements for office works of 16 degrees Celsius. The Warehouse is unheated, but well insulated.
* The building was constructed to building standards at the time in 2003
Scope 2 (Electricity) Actions
* ensure low energy consuming equipment is purchased
* ensure we have power management policies in place for hardware such as laptops / PC / printers etc
* the office/warehouse has had low energy led lighting installed throughout
* maximise purchase of renewable-backed energy tariffs as per latest guidance
* have solar panels installed on the roof

Scope 3 Actions

Employee commuting
Data on Employee Commuting are not collected so cannot be directly measured, however implied effects could be included within Scope 3. Spentex is based in one office /warehouse unit based in North Yorkshire a rural area with infrequent public transport links. All staff use their cars to commute, all are spread around the area, making car sharing inefficient, and would probably have a negligible effect on emissions, however, create a potentially high impact on time lost.
There is not a safe cycle network at the moment.
* It is possible rail and bus links will be improved following a questionnaire created on the Industrial Estate by North Yorkshire County Council
* investigate the feasibility of offering staff an Eco-Driving course to ensure that they are driving efficiently
* investigate any opportunity to offer a salary sacrifice, or discounted schemes offering employees access to sustainable travel options like e-bikes rather than using a car
Employee learning and behaviour change
Every role in Spentex has an impact on our carbon emissions, and informed and motivated employees are key to making reductions. Every worker can reduce their energy footprint simply by switching off equipment at night, separating and sorting waste and travelling as sustainably as possible.
Actions taken to reduce the impact of employee behaviours and actions will have impact primarily on Scope 2 Electricity and some parts of Scope 3 Travel:
* regular information on reducing environmental impacts, carbon reduction and pertinent recent environmental events could be shared with Spentex employees in various means such as a Blog, Newsletter, Webinar, Lunch-and-Learn sessions
* role by role analysis could be undertaken and then each person given a number of actions and areas which they should ensure they act on. This could also be an essential part of the Annual Review process
* regularly review and update working arrangements in line with best practice and latest technology developments
The Board of Spentex BCA Limited has given, and will continue to give, its full support to this Carbon Reduction programme and the team required to achieve Spentex Net Zero ambitions.

Declaration and sign off
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21.
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard.
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the Board.

Stephen Spencer
Managing Director on behalf of Spentex BCA Limited 01.01.2024

Acknowledgement: This Carbon Reduction Plan was created using the source link. Our view was to use the template from the Government Crown Commercial Service, which gave us the best inclination of what is required by HM Government to help us to meet their targets.
